How to use the Material Design Icons Figma Plugin

MaterialiconsforthefilebrowserofpopularwebsiteslikeGitHub,Azure,Bitbucketetc.ReplaceGitHub'sdefaulticonswithiconsfromVisualStudio ...,MaterialiconsforthefilebrowserofpopularwebsiteslikeGitHub,Azure,Bitbucketetc.ReplaceGitHub'sdefaulticonswithicon...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Material Icons for GitHub

Material icons for the file browser of popular websites like GitHub, Azure, Bitbucket etc. Replace GitHub's default icons with icons from Visual Studio ...

Material Icons for GitHub

Material icons for the file browser of popular websites like GitHub, Azure, Bitbucket etc. Replace GitHub's default icons with icons from Visual Studio ...

Material Icons Guide

Material design system icons are simple, modern, friendly, and sometimes quirky. Each icon is created using our design guidelines.

Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols)

These are two different official icon sets from Google, using the same underlying designs. Material Symbols is the current set, introduced in April 2022, ... Issues 336 · Releases 16 · Pull requests 3 · Actions

Material Design Icons

Updated version of Google Material Design Icons from Each icon comes in 5 variations: baseline, sharp, outline, round, two tone.


With the *.[extension] pattern you can define custom file icon associations. For example you could define an icon for *.sample and every file that ends with ... Issues 386 · · Package.nls.ko.json

material-design-iconsfontMaterialIcons-Regular.ttf at master

Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols) - material-design-icons/font/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf at master · google/material-design-icons.

marellamaterial-icons: Latest icon fonts and CSS for self ...

Latest icon fonts and CSS for self-hosting material design icons. This package is automatically updated, so it will always have the latest icons from Google. Material-icons/_config.yml at... · Index.d.ts · Editorconfig · Issues

Material design icons, updated set

This is updated version of icons, directly from You can find older version of this icons set in google/material-design-icons repository.

Material Design Icons DX

MDIDX (Material Design Icons Development Experience) is a ~fork of Google's material design icons. Created to fix development experience issues. This workaround ...


MaterialiconsforthefilebrowserofpopularwebsiteslikeGitHub,Azure,Bitbucketetc.ReplaceGitHub'sdefaulticonswithiconsfromVisualStudio ...,MaterialiconsforthefilebrowserofpopularwebsiteslikeGitHub,Azure,Bitbucketetc.ReplaceGitHub'sdefaulticonswithiconsfromVisualStudio ...,Materialdesignsystemiconsaresimple,modern,friendly,andsometimesquirky.Eachiconiscreatedusingourdesignguidelines.,Thesearetwodiff...